House-a-rama was inspired by the Googie style that defined bowling alley architecture and signage of the 1950s. The challenge was to avoid the classic doo-wop clichés such as the swinging legs Elvis clock and pink Cadillac retro movement while still faithfully reflecting the look and feel of this era. Research for the collection included several stops at bowling alleys throughout the world to sketch some type reference, try on free socks (a regular staple in Germany) and roll a few frames. We even made whistle stops for some “extreme” bowling at Brunswick’s showcase lanes in Chicago and a lecture in Omaha, Neb., where our hosts proved that just because a motel has a cool sign doesn’t mean it has updated the decor or cleaned the bodily fluids off the carpet. In the end, we produced these fonts, some “starter” clip art, 54 dingbats and four multi-level patterns that respectfully reference an era while gracefully transcending their source material.