United Serif
Like most military actions, United started out as a simple typographical incursion that became entrenched in the House Industries quagmire of creative projects. After we used early versions in a clothing company logo, the family drew national attention as it was selected to appear in the Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum 2003 Triennial show. Tal Leming toiled for the next three years to build on the original concept and develop one of the most extensive font families available anywhere. United boasts three different styles, each with seven weights and five widths for a total of 105 fonts for the entire collection. Order any of the three style ranges for $299 each. You’ll appreciate the ability to switch from an expressway billboard layout to the emo-band spread without changing font families or shopping around for new typefaces.
Condensed Thin
Condensed Light
Condensed Medium
Condensed Bold
Condensed Heavy
Condensed Black
Condensed Stencil
Semi Condensed Thin
Semi Condensed Light
Semi Condensed Medium
Semi Condensed Bold
Semi Condensed Heavy
Semi Condensed Black
Semi Condensed Stencil
Regular Thin
Regular Light
Regular Medium
Regular Bold
Regular Heavy
Regular Black
Regular Stencil
Semi Extended Thin
Semi Extended Light
Semi Extended Medium
Semi Extended Bold
Semi Extended Heavy
Semi Extended Black
Semi Extended Stencil
Extended Thin
Extended Light
Extended Medium
Extended Bold
Extended Heavy
Extended Black
Extended Stencil

UNITED SWASHES Put a little extra power in your headlines with the United "speed cap" swashes. They are substituted automotically by selecting the "Swash" feature in Adobe CS applications.

PROPORTIONAL FIGURES TABULAR FIGURES Each United font has tabular figures for use in columnar settings.